Boycott ABC Daytime Except 4 GH

Welcome Soap Fans to another awesome blog! In this blog you can discuss #AMC and #OLTL as well as #GH! WHAT ABC did nine years ago with that old dirty rat Brian Frons was scandalously scathing sacrilegious and STUPID AS HELL! BUT we're not going talk about that now are we? Since The Rat Network cancelled our soaps...the programs they replaced them with.. Wait for it..... DIED , CROAKED AND KICKED THE BUCKET! #TheFABLife The Repulsion EXCUSE ME..The Revolution #TheChew AKA The Spew and countless others have went to the television graveyard because of our boycott since 2011 2012-2013 & beyond is working! So I hope you're only not only continue to boycott ABC daytime support General Hospital only one hour of until our soaps return they don't get my support except for General Hospital! And continue to do the task provided in the new group and the other groups as well!